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The Slutty Matriarchy

‘Whatever you do, don’t settle down with anyone until you’re well into your thirties’’ is the maternal advice that Sura has heeded since childhood. Sura grew up listening to tales of her adulterous grandmother sleeping with all the married men in her neighborhood, until she found one she liked enough to leave Sura’s grandfather. Sura’s own mother relayed legends of dating eight men at once whilst in graduate school. While Sura’s peers fell victim to the cultural slut-shaming that has persisted since well before her slutty matriarchy grew its roots, Sura was able to step outside of our societal veil of shame, and sleep with people for the simple joys of pleasure and play. And having recently fallen truly in love at the precipice of her third decade of life, Sura considers love, family lore, sexuality, sex, women, mothers, daughters… all through the scope of her very, very Slutty Matriarchy.

‘68: The Slutty Matriarchy’- Premiere New York, 2015: Dixon Place


"Straight" Jacket


68: Therapy Sessions